Movement updates
November 2023
Total Vehicles : 3942
Average Speed : 20.6 MPH
30th Percentile : 17.0 MPH
50th Percentile : 19.3 MPH
85th Percentile : 25.7 MPH
95th Percentile : 30.6 MPH
Highest Speed : 53.3 MPH
Total Over Speed Limit: 51.8 %
October 2023
Total Vehicles : 4626
Average Speed 22.1 MPH
30th Percentile : 18.2 MPH
50th Percentile : 20.7 MPH
85th Percentile : 27.7 MPH
95th Percentile : 32.5 MPH
Highest Speed : 45.7 MPH
Total Over Speed Limit: 62.3
1 Sept to 8th October 2023
Total Vehicles :
7586 movements registered - note these are movements towards the machine only, it doesn’t register movements going away. It does count bicycles.
Top Speed 51.2 mph
Average Speed 25.2 mph
30th Percentile: 21.0 mph
50th Percentile: 24.2 mph
85th Percentile: 31.0 mph
95th Percentile: 34.7 mph
30 July to 30 August 2023.
3597 movements registered
Top speed registered 45.4mph!
Average 22.8mph
93% of movements were below 30mph.
24% of movements were below 20mph.
76% were over the limit!

We are also lucky to have a dedicated team of volunteers who have been trained by the Police Community Speed Watch. This scheme allows the volunteers to monitor the speed of passing vehicles using a hand-held speed detection device.
The volunteers record the details of vehicles which are exceeding the speed limit by around 10%. These details are passed to the Police, who will issue a letter to the vehicle owner, advising them of the dangers of speeding, and reminding them of the law.
It has to be remembered the reason for these checks is to remind drivers of the speed limit and keep our village roads safe, it is not a vendetta but to keep our roads safer for everyone.

We are always seeking volunteers to join the happy crew. If you are interested please contact Tony Patston on 07990 595696 or email tonypatston@gmail.com.
Please remember 20 is Plenty!
Please keep our villagers safe and watch your speed