The London and Southampton Railway was first proposed in 1831 and the bill approved by Parliament in 1834 at a cost of £900,000. The section between Basingstoke and Winchester opened on 11 May 1840 – and was the final part of the London and Southampton Railway to be completed. Prior to its construction, all of the traffic between London and Southampton was carried by eight stage coaches, four wagons per week, and one barge weekly on the Basingstoke Canal!
The London and Southampton Railway was first proposed in 1831 and the bill approved by Parliament in 1834 at a cost of £900,000. The section between Basingstoke and Winchester opened on 11 May 1840 – and was the final part of the London and Southampton Railway to be completed. Prior to its construction, all of the traffic between London and Southampton was carried by eight stage coaches, four wagons per week, and one barge weekly on the Basingstoke Canal!
The London and Southampton Railway was first proposed in 1831 and the bill approved by Parliament in 1834 at a cost of £900,000. The section between Basingstoke and Winchester opened on 11 May 1840 – and was the final part of the London and Southampton Railway to be completed. Prior to its construction, all of the traffic between London and Southampton was carried by eight stage coaches, four wagons per week, and one barge weekly on the Basingstoke Canal!
Holly House

Holly House 2001
The original plot was leased from Baron Northbrook in 1867 at a rent of £2 per annum to Charles CRISWICK, Grocer, with a covenant to build thereon a house and shop to the value of £400. It appears to have been used as a Grocer’s Shop and Bakery until about 1910.
The plot with the garage on it was added to the property in 1912, whilst the freeholds were acquired from the Earl of Northbrook between 1920 and 1923.
Oscar CALLAWAY, a carrier and Motor Engineer, bought the property in 1925 and it was used by him and later by Frederick RANGER as a garage and village bus station.
Since 1964 it has been a private house.
Click here to see the original plans
Years Occupier Occupation
1867-1887 Charles CRISWICK-Grocer
1887-1892 William COVINGTON-Grocer
1892-1898 Henry STONEADGE-Baker & Grocer
1898-1911 William Henry OSBORNE-Grocer
1911-1923 Henry John Alexander KIRBY
1923-1925 Frank SMITH-Carrier
1925-1953 Oscar CALLAWAY-Carrier/Motor Engineer
1953-1964 Frederick RANGER-Haulage Contractor
1964-1966 Reginald Burdas EARWAKER-Farmer
1966-1968 Hugh Colin Norman DONALD-Private House
1968-1975 Blaise Noel Antony HARDMAN-Private House
1975-1976 Leicester Stephen Pullinger LE SUEUR-Private House
1976-2002 Colin Booth FILMER-Private House
5.2.1868 Charles CRISWICK, Grocer, leased Plot 1, from Henry, Baron Taunton and Henry Bingham Mildmay, trustees, at the request of Baron Northbrook, for 99 years from 29.9.1867, at a rent of £2 p.a. and covenanted to build thereon a house and shop to the value of £400.
6.10.1887 William COVINGTON, Grocer, bought the lease of Plot 1 from Miss Fanny CRISWICK for £605.
15.11.1892 Henry STONEADGE, Farmer, bought lease to Plot 1 from William COVINGTON for £500.
31.7.1898 William Edwin OSBORNE, Grocer, bought lease of Plot 1 from Henry STONEADGE, then a Baker and Grocer, for £550.
8.9.1911 Henry John Alexander KIRBY bought the lease of Plot 1 from Sir George Francis Warner and James Charles Warner, mortgagers for WE OSBORNE, for £200
25.1912 Henry John Alexander KIRBY, as trustee for J C Warner, leased Plot 2 from Francis George, Earl of Northbrook, for 55 years from 29.9.1911 at a rent of £3 p.a. By this date the kitchen had been added to the main dwelling on Plot 1.
11.11.1920 James Charles WARNER bought freehold of Plot 1 (subject to the lease dated 5.2.1868 from Francis George, Earl of Northbrook, for £30.
20.6.1923 Frank SMITH, Carrier, bought lease of Plot 1 from Lucy Helen KIRBY, widow, for £285 and the freehold of Plot 1 from J C WARNER for £40.
25.6.1923 Thomas William DOWDING bought lease of Plot 2 from J C WARNER, the beneficial owner, for £20.
3.7.1923 Frank SMITH bought the paddock, Plot 3 (.856 acre) freehold from Francis George, Earl of Northbrook, for £40.
12.1.1925 Oscar CALLAWAY, Carrier, bought freehold and lease of Plots 1 and 3 from Frank SMITH for £365
5.5.1925 Thomas William DOWDING bought freehold of Plot 2 from Francis George, Earl of Northbrook, for £75
25.8.1925 Oscar CALLOWAY, Motor Engineer, bought freehold of Plot 2 for £75 and lease of Plot 2 for £25, from Thomas William DOWDING, thereby completing the freehold of HOLLY LODGE at that date.
27.5.1953 Frederick RANGER, Haulage Contractor, bought freehold of Holly Lodge from Oscar CALLOWAY, Garage Proprietor, for £4,000
3.9.1954 Reginald Burdas EARWAKER, Farmer, bought freehold from Penny Rose RANGER, widow, and Douglas Fred RANGER, Haulage Contractor, for £5,000.
3.11.1966 Hugh Colin Norman DONALD and Pauline Drummond DONALD bought the freehold from Ida EARWAKER, widow, for £7,100.
14.1.1968 Blaise Noel Antony HARDMAN bought freehold from H C N DONALD and P D DONALD for £11,000.
6.3.1975 Leicester Stephen Pullinger Le SUEUR and Elizabeth Alice Le SUEUR bought freehold from B N A HARDMAN for £35,000.
23.4.1976 Colin Booth FILMER and Diana FILMER bought freehold from L S P Le SUEUR and E A Le SUEUR.
By this date the property was called HOLLY HOUSE. The house was sold by C B FILMER & D FILMER in 2002.


The Garden 2001